
会場:渋谷ヒカリエ8階 8/ CUBE 1, 2, 3(渋谷駅東口直結)

Katsurao AIRは、福島県双葉郡葛尾村(かつらおむら)にアーティストたちを短期移住者として迎え入れているアーティストインレジデンス(AIR)プログラムです。

榎本浩子 ENOMOTO Hiroko   
大槻唯我 OHTSUKI Yuiga
喜多村徹雄 KITAMURA Tetsuo
鮫島弓起雄 SAMESHIMA Yumikio
増田拓史 MASUDA Hirohumi
村上郁 MURAKAMI Kaoru


We will introduce the activities of the artists who participated in Katsurao AIR in Katsurao Village, Fukushima Prefecture, under the theme of ‘Symbiosis.’

Tie the Light -COSMIC HABITAT-

[Period] Wednesday, December 25th – Monday, December 30th 11:00~20:00
[Venue] 8F Shibuya Hikarie 8/ CUBE 1,2,3
Admission Free

Katsurao AIR is an artist-in-residence (AIR) program that welcomes artists as short-term residents in Katsurao Village, located in Futaba District, Fukushima Prefecture. While living in Katsurao Village, the artists engage with the unique climate, history, and the reality of life in the area, each through their own distinct perspective. Their process of exploring symbiosis with the environment and the people of Katsurao extends beyond the creation of art pieces, influencing the daily lives of the villagers and adding color to the everyday landscape.
In this exhibition, we introduce the activities of the artists who aim to explore ‘living together’ in Katsurao Village, 13 years after the disaster, where people from diverse backgrounds now intersect.



本展では、宇宙に行き交う光「ひかり」をひとつのテーマとして、いわばそれらの光を結ぶように、他者や自然との共生のあり方を問いかけます。共生とは、異なる存在同士が新たな関係性を絶えず構築しつづける営みにほかなりません。「COSMIC HABITAT」という副題が示すのは、私たちの生態系が宇宙全体に広がる壮大なつながりに支えられていることへの認識です。


The cosmos, the place where we live, is also the fundamental starting point of life. Light pours down from the stars to the planets and functions as a source of life-giving energy on the planet we inhabit. As science and technology have developed, humans have also created light in different ways. Just as plants produce a source of nutrients through photosynthesis from sunlight and artificial light, and animals consume these plants to sustain their lives, humans also receive light from all kinds of sources and continue their lives while interacting with others.

This exhibition takes the light that comes and goes in the universe as one theme, and questions the nature of symbiosis with other people and nature, so to speak, as it connects these lights. Symbiosis is nothing more than the continuous construction of new relationships between different beings. The subtitle ‘COSMIC HABITAT’ indicates an awareness that our ecosystem is supported by a grand cosmic connection that extends throughout the entire universe.

What is presented in this exhibition is the diverse activities of the artists who lived in the village of Katsurao, including concrete and practical local initiatives and a fundamental approach to life itself. By bringing to light a mesh of various relationships, from the everyday to a cosmic perspective, the exhibition proposes a new way of connecting with people, nature and the world beyond.